Theatre company - Application
I'm starting up a new theatre company this autumn and I'd love to have as many interested people onboard as possible.
It's all very early stages at the moment, I'm currently working on the first production, which will preview in November in London. for that i'll need a few actors (casting soon) as well as a stage manager, tech crew, and various other creative roles.
In the future i'm looking for writers, actors, directors, stage crew, choreographers, musicians to work on numerous projects.
if you are interested, please fill out the email box below, and i'll send out more info very shortly.
There's absolutely no commitment needed at the moment, just looking for a wide range of hard working people.
any productions initially are likely to be profit share, if things grow later down the line we will look for funding for paid projects.
i intend to make whatever we do exciting, and a good platform for performers, as well as a great networking opportunity.
if you have any ideas / questions feel free to email me using the contact page above, otherwise i'll be sending out an introductory email over the next few days.
Thanks loads for your interest.
Chris mayo